Unscented Shea Butter 無味乳木果油 5g



貨號: SHEA-UNS5 分類:


Ingredients:   Ultra refined Shea butter

成份:     精制乳木果油


Benefits 功效:

Shea Butter is a rich moisturizer, easily absorbed.  Rich in unsaturated fatty acids. Can enhance the skin’s moisturizing ability of the damaged skin, in the dry and the skin can be moisturized. It is extracted from the special force of West African card tree (Karite) of nuts, by direct pressing, no added solvent composition.

“Aroma Vera Shea Butter” by the very special filtering, silky soft, is a moisturizing products for dry and sensitive skin with natural protection and nourishment. Shea Butter dissolved in human skin temperature, easy to use and absorb moisture and can be used as lip care and ideal for body moisturizing.

乳木果油是豐富的滋潤劑、易吸收,含豐富不飽和脂肪酸,能加強皮膚的保濕能力,對中乾性及角質受損之肌膚能加以滋潤。 它提取自西非卡力特樹(Karite)的果仁 ,經直接壓榨,無添加溶劑成分 。

“純真香薰乳木果油”經特別過濾處理,幼滑柔潤,是特效保濕品,為乾性及敏感肌膚帶來天然保護及滋養作用。乳木果油溶解於人體皮膚溫度, 易於使用及吸收,可用作唇部滋潤及身體保濕護理的理想選擇。


How to use 應用:

Ideal for body massage, get a small amount onto your palm and warm to melt. Apply for whole body for a massage.  Or mix with the bath salts to use as a body scrub

適用於全身按摩.取適量放於掌心中使其融化,然作塗於身上作按摩. 或加入適量浴鹽作全身磨砂使用


