Organic Patchouli 有機廣藿香 10ml


貨號: OP15S(O) 分類:

產地: 印尼

拉丁名:Pogostemon Cablin patchouly



Origin: Indonesia

Anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antioxidant, anti-anxiety, balance oil, improve skin scars and wound healing, fever, deodorize, digestic discomfort


產地: 印尼

拉丁名:Pogostemon Cablin patchouly



Origin: Indonesia

Anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antioxidant, anti-anxiety, balance oil, improve skin scars and wound healing, fever, deodorize, digestic discomfort

Matching: Lavender, Lemon, Pepper Mint, Tea Tree

使用建議 Suggestion

// 局部塗抹  Application

混合1滴精油及1ml 純植物油後, 按需要塗抹在肌膚上。

Mix 1 drop of essential oil and 1ml of pure vegetable oil (base oil) and apply it to the skin as needed.

// 護膚 Skincare

混合1滴精油及2ml 乳霜/沐浴露/洗髮露/護髮素等後, 按需要使用在肌膚上。

After mixing 1 drop of essential oil and 2ml of cream/shower gel/shampoo/conditioner, etc., apply to the skin as needed.

// 擴香 Diffuse


3 times a day, 60 minutes each time.

注意 Caution


請放置在兒童觸及不到的地方。僅限於外用。塗抹範圍需遠離眼睛和黏膜。假如您正在懷孕、哺乳、需要服用藥物或長期病患者,使用前請諮詢專業醫務人員意見。在未來 12 小時內避免直接曝露在陽光或紫外線中。

Avoid using it on the face or nose of children under 3 years of age.

Please keep it out of reach of children. Only for external use. Keep the application area away from the eyes and mucous membranes. If you are pregnant, breastfeeding, need to take medication, or suffer from chronic diseases, please consult a professional medical staff before use. Avoid the skin directly exposed to sunlight or ultraviolet light in the next 12 hours.