{:hk}慶祝純真香薰29週年{:}{:en}29th-Anniversary Dinner of Aroma Vera{:}

{:hk}Aroma Vera International Limited – 慶祝29週年晚宴, 同時慶祝榮獲 HKMOS Awards 2019, 當日各大五星級酒店、大型連鎖店的客戶等到場慶祝,現場氣氛歡愉濃厚。

Aroma Vera 29th Anniversary

慶祝29週年 – 現場也有抽獎環節, 答謝一直多年支持我司及品牌的客戶。

{:}{:en}Aroma Vera International Limited-celebrated the 29th-anniversary dinner, and also celebrated winning the HKMOS Awards 2019. Customers from major five-star hotels and large chain stores attended the celebration, and the atmosphere was joyful.

Aroma Vera 29th Anniversary

There will also be a lottery during the 29th-anniversary dinner, to thank the customers who have supported our company and the brand for many years.


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