精油木盒套裝 Essential Oil Starter Kit 16 bottles x 2ml
Cedarwood, Citronella, Cypress, Eucalyptus, Geranium, Lavender, Lemon, Orange, Patchouli, Peppermint, Rosemary, Rosewood, Sandalwood Mysore, Tangerine, Tea Tree, Ylang Ylang
容量:2ml x 16支
Volumn: 2ml x 16 bottles
Avoid using it on the face or nose of children under 3 years of age.
Please keep it out of reach of children. Only for external use. Keep the application area away from the eyes and mucous membranes. If you are pregnant, breastfeeding, need to take medication or suffer from chronic diseases, please consult a professional medical staff before use.
印度檀香 Indian Sandalwood |
有助失眠、平靜、滋潤肌膚 Helps insomnia, calms and moisturizes the skin |
雪松 Cedar |
有助失眠、平靜、幫助減輕頭皮 Helps insomnia, calms, and relieves scalp |
香茅 Citronella |
有助消化系統、驅蚊蟲、淨化空間 Helps the digestive system, repels mosquitoes, and purifies space |
絲柏 Cypress |
有助循環系統、去水腫、使情緒平伏 Helps the circulatory system, removes edema, and calms the mood |
尤加利 Eucalyptus |
有助呼吸系統、預防傷風、感冒 Helps the respiratory system, prevents colds and colds |
天竺葵 Geranium |
有助平衡內分泌、收毛孔、令人有甜蜜溫馨 Helps balance endocrine, shrink pores, and make people sweet and warm |
薰衣草 Lavender |
有助減輕壓力、失眠、令人舒緩 Helps reduce stress, insomnia, and soothes |
檸檬 Lemon |
有助消化及淋巴系統、淨化空間、令人清新舒緩 Helps digestion and lymphatic system, purifies space, refreshes and soothes |
橙 Orange |
有助消化及淋巴系統、令人歡悅 Helps digestion and lymphatic system, makes people happy |
廣藿香 Patchouli |
有助失眠、平靜、令肌膚再生 Helps insomnia, calms and regenerates skin |
薄荷 Peppermint |
有助呼吸系統、止暈/嘔、令人頭腦清醒 Helps the respiratory system, stops dizziness/vomiting, and makes the mind clear |
迷迭香 Rosemary |
有助呼吸系統、預防脫髮、減少頭皮 Help the respiratory system, prevent hair loss, reduce scalp |
花梨木 Rosewood |
有助平伏情緒、令肌膚再生、預防幼紋產生 Help calm emotions, regenerate skin, and prevent fine lines |
柑 | 有助消化及淋巴系統、令人開懷 Helps digestion and lymphatic system, makes people happy |
茶樹 Tea Tree |
有助刺激免疫系統、殺菌、減輕暗瘡發炎 Helps stimulate the immune system, sterilizes, and relieves acne inflammation |
依蘭Ylang Ylang | 有助減輕壓力、減輕皮脂分泌、令頭髮健康生長 Helps reduce stress, reduce sebum secretion, and promote healthy hair growth. |