經痛舒緩精油配方Menstrual pain – essential oil formula女人的经前综合症+经痛舒缓精油配方





#依蘭依蘭 // 平衡荷爾蒙、舒緩生理期疼痛
#快樂鼠尾草 // 幫助肌肉舒展、抗憂鬱、沮喪
#西柚 // 放鬆及令心情愉悅、減少經前綜合症的不適⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

精油各10滴混合30ml 荷荷巴油,以調配油輕輕為下腹按摩,再用熱毛巾蓋上一下!

如經痛為主,也可將西柚更換成 #洋甘菊 使用,止痛鎮靜效果更樂!



❝Women’s premenstrual syndrome + menstrual pain ❞ soothing essential oil formula

Some women experience irritability, emotional instability, drowsiness, overeating, headache, swelling, breast swelling and pain, and constipation in the week before menstruation. When menstruation comes, they may have back pain and lower abdominal pain.

For menstrual pain, chocolate, hot compresses, or panadol can help, but many people don’t want to take pills every month. Essential oils can help a lot with natural remedies.

#YlangYlang // Balance hormones and relieve pain during menstrual period
#Clary Sage // Help muscle stretch, resist depression and depression
#Grapgefruit // Relax and make the mood happy, reduce the discomfort of PMS⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

How to use it best?
Mix 10 drops of each essential oil with 30ml jojoba oil, gently massage the lower abdomen with the blended oil, and cover it with a hot towel!

If menstrual cramps are the main cause, you can also replace grapefruit with #Chamomile to use, the pain relief and calming effect are more enjoyable!{:}{:zh}





#依兰依兰 // 平衡荷尔蒙、舒缓生理期疼痛
#快乐鼠尾草 // 帮助肌肉舒展、抗忧郁、沮丧
#西柚 // 放松及令心情愉悦、减少经前综合症的不适⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

精油各10滴混合30ml 荷荷巴油,以调配油轻轻为下腹按摩,再用热毛巾盖上一下!

如经痛为主,也可将西柚更换成 #洋甘菊 使用,止痛镇静效果更乐!{:}

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